So, yeah, had someone today tell me I was being “dismissive” when I indicated that a proper review of “COVID19 deaths” should include ONLY deaths where there were no other comorbidities.
She proceeded to tell me that her father had heart disease but managed it just fine, that she had an elderly friend who had diabetes but managed it just fine, so it wasn’t right to suggest that if they die it was due to COVID19 – that I shouldn’t “dismiss” the other condition.
That’s a direct quote, by the way – and no, “the Wuhan” didn’t kill them, it CONTRIBUTED to their death.
That same ridiculous logic is how one person was in a fatal car crash, but was listed as a COVID19 death.
How fucking stupid have we become as a society that we not only don’t want to hear the truth, but that we actively claim it’s NOT truth?
If you want to measure COVID19 deaths, you need to measure ONLY COVID19 deaths. If someone dies and has another comorbidity (ie they have another condition that negatively impacts their health) then it’s questionable as to whether COVID19 killed them, or whether something ELSE killed them.
There are great articles out there that reference the question of, “Did COVID19 make a pre-existing condition worse, or, was COVID19 responsible for the other condition occurring?” To which I would say, that’s a part of why NVSS (look it up, I’m not here to spoon feed you everything) references UCOD (again, look it up).
Some people are just too stupid to breath and walk at the same time.
I’m sure they’ll be listed as a COVID19 death if they try to do both and forget to breathe.